Friday, January 13, 2012

30 Days of Hairstyles Redo: Day 6

I originally wanted to do a braided headband hairstyle, but one side wasn't quite working out, so I went with half a least it's not half a head! I really liked how it turned out, though!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

30 Days of Hairstyle Redo: Day 5

Apparently my short hair makes me look younger, so I decided to embrace my youthful look with some fun pigtails while I did some housework.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

30 Days of Hairstyles Redo: Day 4

I was hoping my hair would turn out better, but this is what I got after using hot rollers. I let them set for 45 minutes and still hardly any curl. I think they work better with longer hair. Oh well, still experimenting with shorter hair!

30 Days of Hairstyles Redo: Day 3

So....this is my new hair! Partly why I haven't been quite keeping up with the hair posts is because I was a little traumatized after my hair was cut. This is the shortest it's every been, so it's taken some getting used to. I haven't really felt like experimenting with this cut, just because I'm not used to the length yet. This day I decided to flip the ends out and see how it looked, not too bad! Next, I'm going to try to get motivated to do some vintage styles with pin curls.

Friday, December 30, 2011

30 Days of Hairstyles Redo: Day 2

So, I am terrible at remembering to take and post pictures! And...I have some other hair news that will wait until another post, but this is the second day of my redo. I curled my hair using my clipless curling iron, which I just love to death! Simple enough, and my hair actually stays curled all day! Amazing!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fitness Friday: Eating Healthy

I saw this on pinterest and thought it was kind of funny, but mostly silly. I know quite a few people who always complain about their weight, or how out of shape they are but do nothing about it. It takes a lot of work and will power to eat healthy, resist over-indulging, and to motivate yourself to exercise, but it is more than worth it! My husband and I had friends over for dinner and I mentioned something about how I love to work out and my friend said she remembered when I told her I was unhappy with my body ( I had gained at least 10 pounds) and she said since then she has noticed I am much more fit. I then realized I told her that almost exactly a year ago, I have been consistently eating healthy (some days better than others) and exercising for a whole year! I wish I had taken some before pictures, but I honestly didn't think I would be consistent and didn't want to depress myself. I think part of what kept me going was changing my goal from a weight (we don't even own a scale) to just feeling good about myself and not comparing myself to others.